Wine or Beer for Gout?

New to gout. Don’t like it. Want better diet.

Stopping Gout Together Forums Help My Gout! The Gout Forum New to gout. Don’t like it. Want better diet.

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  • Author
    • #6188
      brian oberhausen

      I want to manage my gout with diet.
      Alcohol seems to trigger it. Beer wine and whiskey.
      I’m just beginning to read through this site.
      To whoever put this together, Thank you.

    • #6202
      Keith Taylor

      Thanks Brian

      Managing gout starts with managing uric acid. So, what’s your latest uric acid blood test result? Because you need that number however you plan to lower uric acid. In fact, I’d say knowing your uric acid level is more important if you are seeking natural gout cures.

    • #6250
      Brad Keck

      Hi Brian, sorry to hear you’ve joined the gout club! I too got introduced to gout through the alcohol trigger. For me it was warm weather, low hydration drinking that first brought my attention to gout. So, the first thing is to drink moderately and always include plenty of water, especially before going to bed. Secondly, Keith is quite correct you need to know your uric acid levels – by managing this through diet, supplements, drugs and lots of water, you can probably remove the triggering effect of alcohol, at least alcohol in moderation.

      Home testing or lab testing will work just fine, whichever is easier, more cost effective for you.

      Good luck!

    • #6270
      d q

      Have you medically been diagnosed with gout or do you have “gout like symptoms”?

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