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    I am gout patient from last 22 years. First flare-ups were in right foot big toe and ankle. Started allopurinol 100 mg per day. Frequency of flare-ups reduced, but still use to have them and started in elbow and shoulders also. Increased allopurinol to 300 mg per day. No flare-ups for many years. For maintenance purpose I started to reduce allopurinol (my fault: should have reduced it under the supervision of a rheumatologist). I first reduced it to alternative days (300mg) and then gradually to once a week. I am blood pressure patient also and is taking 50 mg twice a day atenolol. Also have Meniere Disease and taking Serc (betahistine) 8 mg twice a day. Though I was not in need of having diuretic but just to better manage hypertension and Meniere Disease I started to take diuretic (my fault: did not ask Dr. and did not know diuretic is bad for gout). After about one year of taking diuretic and low dose of allopurinol I have now two flare ups: in elbow and joint in jaw bone. I am taking Ibuprofen and took Baking Soda for two weeks. After starting baking soda, I felt strange thing and I do not know is it because of baking soda or not: In almost every little and bigger joint I am feeling “articular release” mostly with sound and sometimes without sound. Articular release is med name for joint pop up or cracking and re-adjustments. I do not know whether it is for good or for bad. I have made an appointment with my rheumatologist and the meeting is after couple of days. Is it because of MSU crystal melting? I have also increased flare ups, now in cervical vertebra and pain in spinal column and ribs. I am on Ibuprofen and little amount of allopurinol, untill I see my Dr.


    Of course what you did was to find a dose of a drug that worked and proceed to lower the dosage to the point that it didn't work.

    I have a friend who has hypertension and high cholesterol and she takes her BP and statin meds, goes to the doctor who proclaims her NORMAL so she gives away her pills. Next year she goes back and has hypertension and high cholesterol again?and the process is repeated. The upside is that I get her tossed off ?Lipitor and Cozaar.Wink)


    I cannot comment on the joint cracking but I CAN say that you need to be on allopurinol, likely 300 mg./day, for the rest of your life. Why not just accept the fact? Beware? baking soda if you need a diuretic?it's a LOT of sodium.


    On diuretics: if you MUST take them, lasix (furosemide) is a LOT better for gouties than the thiazides.


    Sorry about the Meniere's?it sucks. I have screeching tinnitus bad enough (had both ears operated on for otosclerosis long ago) but I don't know what I'd do with constant vertigo. Does the betahistine work?


    Good luck and get back on 300 mg. allopurinol ASAP.


    Thank you for good advice. I do plan to get on to 300 mg per day allopurinol. Yes, betahistine is working: I did not have any vertigo attack in last couple of years. Tinnitus is there with giddy and dizzy feelings especially when I rise up after sitting long hours.

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