Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! Gout will I have be pain free?

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    I just found your web site and am reading every page…

    On Feb 25th I experienced my first bout with Gout…it started as a small pain and with in 3 days I went to my doctor, she took x rays and blood test and started treating me for Gout once the results were back my uric acid levels were 7.5 …which based on my research I though was not high enough to be gout.

    Regardless I started and have been on a low purine diet, I am Not diabetic or overweight. I also drink concentrated cherry juice = to 180 cherries a day.

    I was treated with a 50 mg dosage 3 x a day of Indomethocin …it did not go away …I tried several holistic products and they seamed to work bt in retrospect it was the end of the fist incident… then rapidly several more attacks it is hard to tell how many as i was unable to put a shoe on for 2 months….then I went to a foot doc who gave me a dosage of Indomethacin that worked 50 mg every 6 hours for the first 24 hours then the same every 8 hours for 24 hours then 25 mg every 8 hours till gone… I stopped taking it once I was able to put on a shoe without pain…but I am still feeling a tingling and shooting pains in the toe but it is tolerable…does this every go away so I can start running again?

    Should I take Uloric? If you are on Uloric and you have an attacks should you take Indomethacin again?

    Thank you in advance for all your help.

    [Admin: Posted via feedback form at Beating Gout by Victor Konshin

    Keith Taylor

    my uric acid levels were 7.5 ?which based on my research I though was not high enough to be gout

    I wonder where you were looking for that piece of misinformation. Please let me know so I can start a new list of “Websites to avoid if you want to beat gout.” 😉

    I don’t know enough about you to have an opinion on whether you should take Uloric or not. You could log in to GoutPal, add some facts to your Personal Gout Profile, and post more details abut why you are considering Uloric for your gout. Better still, discuss it with your doctor. If you are not sure what to ask your doctor, then reply here, and I’ll try to help. I can also help if you need to understand what your doctor says to you.

    If you and your doctor decide that Uloric is the best way forward, then indomethacin must certainly be considered as part of a pain control package. You may need pain control for a few months after starting any uric acid lowering treatment. I say “part of a package” because ideally, you need medication to:

    1. Limit spread of inflammation (usually colchicine)
    2. Reduce inflammation (e.g. indomethacin)
    3. Block residual pain (e.g. paracetamol or compatible narcotic analgesic)

    You might not need all of those at the same time, but it is important to understand your personal approach to those 3 aspects of gout pain control. That will allow you to control any temporary pain until you can remove the risk of gout pain by making your uric acid safe.

    Good luck Alan. Let’s make 2015 your only year of gout troubles.

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